Hi, I'm Tiffany!
Hi, I'm Tiffany!
Hi, I'm Tiffany!

A Product Designer meticulously crafting seamless and delightful user experiences.

A Product Designer meticulously crafting seamless and delightful user experiences.

A Product Designer meticulously crafting seamless and delightful user experiences.

Math ANEX: Dashboard

Math ANEX: Dashboard

Restructured internal platform for accelerated workflows for Managers and Analysts.

Restructured internal platform for accelerated workflows for Managers and Analysts.

Amtrak: Points & Cash

Amtrak: Points & Cash

Make payments more customizable by paying with points and cash

Make payments more customizable by paying with points and cash

Mission Meltdown

Mission Meltdown

Walk-up-and-play game that aims to educate and elicit action for the welfare of polar bear.

Walk-up-and-play game that aims to educate and elicit action for the welfare of polar bear.